If the possibility of balancing with your body freely is important to you, before ordering a shorter frame, please make sure that - given your height - the position of your head relative to the rear axle will not limit the possibility of balancing with your body.

Frame length

Height above which we would discourage a user from choosing a short frame is 170cm.

  • The length of the frame affects the stability of the bike. The shorter the length, the greater the stability.

  • At the same time, too short a frame means that the athlete's head may end up between the rear wheels (too close to the rear axle). This, in turn, may limit the possibility of balancing with your body.

  • You can choose a shorter frame if balancing is not important to you.

  • If balancing with your body is an important part of your technique, make sure that - given your height - the distance of your head from the rear axle will not limit the possibility of balancing with your body.




Cegielniana 56A
38-500 Sanok



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